Background and route study
To support the work on a new transit arrangement on the östhammar route a route study has been conducted. The study showed that the route is one of the county’s most important public transit routes in terms of the number of journeys and the amount of commuting. Many journeys by car and and the public transit’s travel times are too long for more people to choose to travel regularly along the whole öregrund/östhammar - Uppsala route.
Public transit can become more attractive and accessibility to residents can be improved. UL, the municipalities concerned, the Swedish Transport Administration and other actors need to jointly address shortcomings and take advantage of the potential available on the route, such as large travel needs, extensive commuting and a large summer population. The study made the following recommendations:
- Consider fewer stops in urban areas, where passengers have greater opportunities to walk or cycle to the stop, and straighter itineraries.
- Make the time on board the bus more attractive by improving comfort and the ability to work on board by providing the right equipment.
- Investigate how public transit can better meet the large summer population’s needs and desires.
You can view the total route study that forms the basis for the proposal here.