Travel to Arlanda
SL commuter trains and Mälartåg take around 18 minutes from Uppsala to Arlanda. It is also possible to travel by bus, which is a cheaper option if you are not in a hurry.
Do you have a UL card with a period ticket?
In this case, the journey to Arlanda is included but not the station access fee (see below) if you intend to alight at Arlanda C.
Passage fee at Arlanda C
In order to get off at Arlanda C and enter the terminals, you who have turned 18 must pay a passage fee. You can redeem it at Arlanda C at the passage or buy an Arlanda passage train fee in the app. There are also 30- and 90-day tickets where the Arlanda passage fee is included.
By bus to Arlanda
You who travel by bus (line 801 and 880) to and from the Arlanda area need to buy a 75-minute ticket to Arlanda by bus. Applies to stops within the Arlanda area: Tomta, Gränsgatan (Cargo City), Brovägen, Terminal 4, Terminal 2-3, Flygskolan, Driftvägen, SAS-Hangaren and Halmsjön. You who travel by bus do not have to pay a passage fee.